Setup - Hubdrive F&O Human Resources Integration


The following solution or Apps have to be installed on your Power Platform environment:

  1. Hubdrive Human Resources Solution ("HR for Dynamics")
  2. Finance and Operations Virtual Entity App (contains the Solution "Microsoft Operations VE Anchor")


The F&O Integration solution is shipped as a managed Power Platform solution.

To install:

  1. Go to
  2. Go to "Solutions"
  3. Click "Import solution"
  4. Select the F&O Integration solution ("")

Important Information: Change Plugin Steps to execute as Admin User

Due to the way the Virtual Table functionality of the F&O Dataverse Integration works, we have to change the calling user on some of the Plugin Steps of the Hubdrive F&O HR Integration. All Plugin Steps registered on F&O Virtual Tables have to be executed by a User with Admin Permissions. To change this, open the Plugin Registration Tool, and find the following Plugin Steps:

On all of the steps listed above, update "Run in User's Context" to an Admin User.

Special Setup for Power Extensions

    1. Time & Attendance

    2. Recruiting