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We also celebrate when we're travelling

Hubdrive travels the world. That is exciting, but also exhausting: jetlag, presentation, important conversations, 3 days at the trade fair stand, and so on.

There has to be a bit of fun in between!

By the way, these spontaneously compiled pictures were taken in the USA, Germany, Canada, Spain, UK and Ireland.

Team Training and Barbecue at the river

Within a short time we gained a lot of new employees. Many of them are not from Würzburg but from all over the world. That means: The city, the culture, the colleagues - everything - is new.

We wanted to do something about it. That's why we organized a team training where the employees had the chance to get to know each other and also the city Würzburg. After all, X-rays were discovered here, we are "Mozart City" and Dirk Nowitzki calls his hometown Würzburg!

With the help of a professional coach, special team trainings that respect the cultures and yet allow people to come into contact, have been developed.

Afterwards we had a party with barbecue, camp fire and music at the river until late at night.

The thing about sports

The best things about company runs actually happen way before the run. Employees from different departments who maybe don't even talk to each other very often in day-to-day life spend their free time together. By the way, those pictures show employees from nine different countries.

Not to forget, they even do something for their health. That's why we do company runs on a regular basis.

The End of the Year Party

Working at Hubdrive is fun, but also challenging.

At the end of the year, everyone has earned a big "thank you" for the past year.

We do that in different ways. Sometimes we have a fancy party at a castle, sometimes we let ourselves be kidnapped by robbers and sometimes we gamble a bag full of money in a casino.

What will come to our mind next year?

to be continued...