Data Model

Entity Relationship Model

Entity Relationship Model of the actual Rollup Updates

Tables of Time & Attendance

Overview of the Time & Attendance Tables

Entity Relationship Model

Here you find the Entity Relationship Model of the actual Rollup Update: ER-Model (PDF)


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Entities for Time & Attendance

In the following you find an overview of the entities for Time & Attendance.


Schema Name

Entity Name


xrm1_attendance_detail Attendance Detail Used by employees to track their attendance (Start, Stop, Break, etc.).
xrm1_attendance Attendance Consolidates all attendance details per employee per day automatically; using all rules stored in the background like mandatory breaks, shifts, etc.
xrm1_time_entry Time Entry Used by employees to track work regarding processes or projects in hours per day.
xrm1_time_summary Time Summary Time Summaries consolidate all time and attendance related information of an employee on a monthly basis.
xrm1_time_sheet Time Sheet Consolidates time entries for an employee per week.
xrm1_time_summary_daily Daily Summary Consolidates all time related information of an employee on a daily basis (allocated hours, attendance, work hours, absence hours, holidays, etc.).
xrm1_employment_contract Employment Terms Defines the allocation of work hours for employees without work pattern.
xrm1_employment_contract_template Employment Terms Template Helps the users to predefine Employment Term regulations that can be applied to employees.
xrm1_work_pattern Work Pattern Defines a work pattern for an employee for a specific time period.
xrm1_work_pattern_detail Work Pattern Detail Defines the specific working hours allocation of an employee within a work pattern.
xrm1_work_pattern_template Work Pattern Template Helps the users to predefine Work Patterns that can be applied to employees.
xrm1_employee Employee The employee is the core file that connects to all functions and data for Time & Attendance and HR Management and has all the base information of the employee.
xrm1_area Area Specifies a geographic area (Country, Region, State, etc.) and connects employees with the regulations of that area in regards to time entry regulations like mandatory breaks, bank holidays, etc.
xrm1_calendar_rule Calendar Entry Calendar Entries are used to define bank holidays. Calendar Entries can be setup as one-time occurrence or as recurring event (e.g. New Years Day: always on 1st of January).
xrm1_calendar Calendar Calendars are used to group multiple Calendar Entries together. The Calendar can be linked towards one or many areas.
xrm1_absence_type_settings Absence Type Settings Absence Type settings are used to define all parameters for the different kind of absences and are used in the functions of multiple areas of the whole Hubdrive solutions.
Absence Type settings are highly integrated with the global option set "Absence Type".
xrm1_leave_request Leave Request Leave requests are used to apply for planned leave of employees and track unplanned leave (e.g. sickness, accident, unexcused absence) for an employee.
xrm1_time_assignment Leave Allocation Leave allocations are used to distribute the leave time of a leave request towards to different leave entitlements.
xrm1_time_contingent Leave Summary Leave summaries are consolidating the leave entitlements incl. taken and remaining time for each employee for each fiscal year. Each absence type has a separate leave summary.
xrm1_time_slice Leave Entitlement Leave entitlements are the details of the leave summary.
xrm1_time_slice_offset Leave Entitlement Offset Leave entitlements offset is used to balance between positive and negative leave entitlements and to ensure a secure transfer of remaining leave amounts into the next fiscal period.
xrm1_business_closure Business Closure Business closures provide the framework to rollout leave requests to multiple employees on an automated basis without the necessity of approving the leave requests on a manual basis.
xrm1_attendance_calc_config Attendance Calculation Configuration With Attendance Calculation configuration, the specific setting for calculation of attendances incl. mandatory breaks and further regulations for different areas can be maintained.
xrm1_mandatory_break_rule Mandatory Break Rule Mandatory Break Rules are part of the Attendance Calculation Configuration and define after how many work hours a break has to be taken.
xrm1_time_account Time Account Time Accounts are used to define the collection of overtime hours based on settings.
xrm1_time_account_configuration Time Account Configuration Time Account Configuration is a detailed setting within the Time Account.
xrm1_time_account_config_template Time Account Configuration Template Time Account Configuration Templates can be used to pre-define Time Account Configurations.
xrm1_shift Shift Shifts define when an employee should work and also when an employee is not supposed to work (outside of the shift hours); Shifts are used within Daily Summaries on a daily level for all employees or can be provisioned to the system using the integration to Teams Shifts.
xrm1_process Process Processes are used within the time entry of work hours based on time sheets. Together with cost centers it can be used to create the basis to use the data within reports on activity-based costing.
Processes can also be used as Projects (e.g. with renaming) in order to track the work hours against projects for project focused customers.
xrm1_process_resource Process Resource Process Resource connects Employees with Processes and also defines based on RACI in which role the employee acts in the process and how intensively based on FTE. Process Resources are the basis to prepopulate the time entry lines within a time sheet for each individual employee.


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