How to access the Absence Calendar


This page shows how to view the upcoming and current leaves visualized in the Absence Calendar.
The absence calendar provides an overview to Managers and Supervisors about all planned leave requests in their company or department. This view makes it easy to see whether the employee's absence may lead to any capacity restrictions. Also, employees can use it to view their own absences.

Click Through

  • In HR HUB
  • Select Absence Calendar
  • Select the desired period
  • Select one of the dashboards (e.g. Employee Absence Calendar)


  • The Absence Calendar is in exactly the same place for the HR Manager, supervisor, and employees. Supervisors start in HR HUB Manager Self-Services, Employees start in HR HUB Employee Self-Services.
  • Supervisors and employees will only see people inside their own department.
  • It is possible to filter by employee.
  • Supervisors and HR Managers see the calendar with colorful data (different types of absences), also, when they hover over the absent day, the reason for the leave is displayed.
  • Employees will see others' data in grey color.


Below, you can see an example of what the Absence Calendar looks like.