Data Import: Leave Requests


In this page will guide you through the process of mass creating Leave Requests. It can be done for one single employee as well for all the employees in the company. We recommend using this functionality for first-time-use of Hubdrive to import data to your system.



HR Manager
Download the predefined Excel templates
HR Manager
Populate the necessary fields into the Excel template
HR Manager
Import data back into the system


  • You are HR manager
  • Download and import the files in the correct order - see more details in the Import Guide

Click Through

  • In HR HUB
  • Click on Employees
  • Copy the name of the employee you want to import leave requests for
  • Open the Leave Requests table
  • Select - Open in Excel Online
  • Paste the employee´s name into the appropriate Excel column
  • Add the absence type
  • Enter the period (From/Until)
  • Save
  • Track progress


  • Depending on the number of Leave Requests imported, this may take a bit of time.
  • If you don´t select the status of All Day Event in the Excel table, the system will automatically populate as Yes
  • You don´t have to add the status reason in the Excel file
  • Is possible to track the progress of the files imported, and in the case of failures, the system will indicate which file contains the error.




You can easily import many leave requests at once via Excel Online.
The leave requests can now be seen in the Leave Requests table and also under the employee´s digital personnel file, in the tab Leave & Absence.