Optional: Assign Skill Grades to Skills in bulk


In this Tutorial you will learn how to automate assigning Skill Grades to the respective Skills. Instead of manually assigning each and every Skill Grade manually you can do it in bulk by following the steps in this tutorial. Please note, each type of Skill requires the matching type of Skill Grade. If there are no matching Skill Grades, none can be assigned. For example if no language Skill Grades exist, no language Skills can be assigned grades.


HR Manager
Creates Skills and Skill Grades
HR Manager
Chooses Skills he wants to assign Grades to
HR Manager
Assigns Skill in Bulk by using a Flow


  • Skills and Skill Grades have been created
  • You are HR Manager

Click Through

  • Start in HR HUB
  • In the lower left corner, switch from Overview to Settings
  • Under Talent Management select Skills
  • In the Skills Table select the Skills you want to assign Grades toby checking the box to the left of each skill (Screenshot)
  • Click on the Flow in the top-ribbon
    • Depending on the size of your screen this option might be hidden under the right ellipsis (3 dots)
  • In the dropdown menu click on Create Skill Grades for the selected Skills - [Multilingual] - Hubdrive (Screenshot)
  • Confirm the application of the Workflow by clicking OK
  • The respective skill grades are now being assigned to the skills


  • The assignment of the skills might take a second so don't be confused when they aren't assigned yet when checking for the first time. Check again a few moments later and they should have appeared.


The Skill Form fully populated with skill grades will look like this.
