Set up Achievements for Commissions


The objective of this tutorial is to describe how to setup Achievements. An Achievement is an amount, typically of monetary value, that an employee has gained, typically, by selling a product or service that is produced by the company.

Based on Achievements, your employees' Commissions are calculated.


Click Through

  • Start in HR HUB
  • Under Compensation, click on Achievements
  • Click on + New
  • Add the Employee
  • Add the commission category
    • A Commission Category refers to whether a Commission is based on a Target, Value, or any metric that the organization might use to categorize their Commissions.
  • Add the date
    • The Date required for entry in an Achievement record is the date that the employee gained the Achievement. This is important as it provides useful information for the company such as particular times in a month or year that Achievements are made, or, are at their highest.
  • Add the Amount
  • If necessary, change the Currency
  • Save
  • You can now revisit the record and set the Status Reason to Approved in the top right corner


  • Once the status is set to Approved, all fields are locked and no longer can be changed. From this point on, this Achievement is also taken into account when Payments are generated.
  • The approval can be done in bulk, so all you need to do is to select all the records created in the Wages entity, then select the pencil icon on the top of the Ribbon, then a new window will appear. In the new window, change the tab from General to Header, and then set the Status Reason to Approved. (Screenshot) Now all you have to do is to save the record.
  • Where an employee earns an Achievement in a currency that is not the employee Payment currency, the Achievement is approved by a supervisor, and then the currency conversion takes place once 'Generate Payments' is selected.


As a result, you will get an overview of all achievements that are eligible for commission calculations.