Technical Documentation - GDPR


With this documentation you find the corresponding workflows and some technical details, when the system automatically removes personal data from Applicants, Applications and related entities. The System automatically removes all personal related data to applicant, applications, and related entities as well as the activities and notes after 3 months of not being under processing. This process is trigged either automated or on demand.


When the application status is changed to “Reject by company” or “declined by applicant” or “Rejected by Company + Auto refusal]” then the cleaning process starts and If the application status changed to “application pool” then send email to applicant asking him to keep his personal details or not and wait for next 3 months.

On Demand:

When the user runs an on-demand, workflow on applicant entity then it will clean up the applicant, applicant related entities, and application related entities as well as the related activities.

Overview Workflows

Name: GDPR Recruiting Start Privacy Processing 1/3 - HR Management [all languages] - Hubdrive
Entity: Application
Start When: status reason Changed (Declined by Applicant; Rejected by Company; Rejected by Company + Auto refusal; Applicant Pool)
Custom Action:
Description: Wait and Process the GDPR anonymization process of applicant and applications.
Name: GDPR Recruiting Applicant Privacy 2/3 - HR Management [all languages] - Hubdrive
Entity: Applicant
Start When: Child workflow, On Demand
Custom Action:
Description: anonymize applicant data, delete all related entities, activities and notes, and invoke a child workflow to process related applications anonymization.
Name: GDPR Recruiting Application Privacy 3/3 - HR Management [all languages] - Hubdrive
Entity: Application
Start When: Child workflow
Custom Action:
Description: anonymize application data and deletes all related entities, activities and notes.



If you want to customize the duration of 3 months until data removal, then customize the "GDPR Recruiting Start Privacy Processing" - Workflow.