Info page: Template vs. usage


The template structure should normally be created by the person who has the security role "Hubdrive Template Creator" or the HR Manager role. Any number of templates can be created and rolled out.
A completed template is a "filled envelope" of training content. When rolled out, each employee receives his/her own training content - "the envelope" is copied 1:1, so to speak, with the difference that the type changes from "Template" to "Usage" and the owner becomes the respective employee.

When you create a certificate / skill level / training plan / training / learning module or exam, you automatically start with the type "template". Ideally, you should never manually set the type to "Usage", as this is automatically adopted via the Rollout Center.

This functionality becomes available as a Preview Feature with Rollup Update 42.

Differences - Training Plan structure

  Template Usage
Type Template Usage
Employee Not filled in Filled in after Rollout
Status Reason "Planning" from the start Status Reason is copied
Progress bar Not available Available, starts at 0%
Owner Creator of the template System user of the filled in employee
Training Events No linked training events Training events can be linked after the rollout (Tutorial)

Differences - Certificate structure

  Template Usage
Type Template Usage
Employee Not filled in Filled in after rollout
Status Reason "Valid" from the start "Planning" from the start
Owner Creator of the template System user of the filled in employee


  • The new Rollout Center takes care of copying the training / certificate content. You do not have to manually switch to "Usage".