How Expenses work

What are Expenses?

Expenses are payments made to an employee to reimburse them in relation to a cost for a product or service that they have incurred for a business related event or requirement. 


Incurs business related expense, or, conducts business related travel
Submits expense receipts in Employee Self-Service
HR Manager
Reviews expenses entries and approves as appropriate
Receives reimbursement via payroll

Expense receipts

An employee will, where required, make a payment for a product or service, then submit this receipt as either part of a travel or as an independent receipt. The receipt will be used as the evidence for the initial out of pocket payment and will also serve as the document required for future audits.  Employees can attach receipts to receipt records in HR For Dynamics as a digital file, this means the expenses claim can be submitted from anywhere as and when required to do so. 

Business travel and Per-Diem Rates

Travel, as a business requirement, may also be required.  Employees will enter a travel record and include any cost for products or services that incurred as an out of pocket expense.  Employees will also be able to enter Per Diem expenses as part of their business travel, however, Per Diem rates can also be entered by the employee's supervisor, or HR Manager for the employee's business travel.   All Expenses should be entered in accordance with their organizational policy on travel and expenses.  Travel expenses include Per Diem rates, these are meals and overnight stays that the employee should be reimbursed for, or, have covered prior to departure by the organization. 

Areas and Travel Destinations

'Area' is the term used within HR for Dynamics for countries, e.g. for Travel Destinations among other things. Areas are included 'Out of The Box' with their respective Per Diem Rates, Calendars, and Leave Management settings. HR Managers will not be required, unless absolutely necessary, to enter all of that information themselves.  For more information on maintaining or extending countries or regions, follow this link for our eLearning guide.