Create Departments


This page takes you through the process of configuring Departments in your system.

You create Departments in the system that reflect your organizational structure. Once your employees are associated with the appropriate Departments, you can use the Departments for such things as annual distribution of leave entitlements, creation of business closures, and more. Assigning employees to their respective Departments also determines which supervisors can see which employee files.


HR Manager
Create Departments
HR Manager
Sort Departments based on organizational structure


  • Make sure the technical base setup is completed before entering data into the system
  • For initial creation of your organization's departments, we recommend you have a chart of your organizational structure at hand

Click Through

  • Log into your HR system with an HR Manager account and select the App HR HUB
  • In the lower left corner, use the drop-down to switch from Overview to Settings
  • Go to Departments and press + NEW
  • Enter the Name of the first department
    • We recommend creating the top department of your organization's hierarchy first
  • After you have filled the Name field, Save & Close the record
  • Now create a second department that is hierarchically beneath the department created before
    • Enter the Name of the department
    • Select the department created before as the Parent Department
    • Save & Close the record
  • Continue this procedure until you have created all departments of your company


  • Selecting the parent department creates a hierarchical structure between departments. You can display this hierarchy graphically.
  • To do this, click on the hierarchy symbol next to any active department. (Screenshot)
    • The Hierarchy View has been deprecated by Microsoft in a recent Update. If you still want to use this feature, you can find a tutorial on how to re-enable it here.
  • Should you at any point in the future need to change or rename departments, open the affected department, make the required changes and save the record.
    All changes are immediately available in the system.
  • To list an employee in the department record, you have to set the field Department in the Employee's Digital Personnel File. During employee import later in this setup process, we will take care of this for all of your currently existing employees.


After your departments have been created and structured in the system, you can sort your employees into their respective departments.
Here you can see a hierarchical view of the departments:

Next step (Self-implementation Path)

  • After creating all Departments inside your Organization and adding the correct hierarchical structure, the next step of your setup is creating Employment Term Templates in your HR solution.