Create a work accident


This page shows how HR Managers can add a work accident record into the employee´s digital personnel file.


Suffers a work accident
HR Manager
Adds the entry

Click Through

  • Start in HR HUB
  • Below Administration, click on Work Accidents
  • Click on + New
  • Add the accident (free text field)
  • Add the injured party (employee)
  • Add the day and time of the accident
  • Select if the employee is unable to work
    • Caution: once set to Yes, this field is locked and can't be changed again
  • Select if it's a fatal accident
  • Add the location (optional)
  • Add the first responder (optional)
  • Add a detailed description (optional)
  • Select whose description the entered description is based on (optional)
  • Select the incident severity (optional)
  • Add the injury (optional)
  • Add the injured body parts (optional)
  • Click Save
  • After saving, the timeline is unlocked, giving you the option to attach documents to the record
  • After attaching all necessary documents or if there are none, click Save & Close


  • If the Employee is unable to work option is set to Yes, then the field will be blocked, and if the flow "Create Absence on Work Accident - HR Management [Multilingual]-Hubdrive" is active, then a leave will be automatically created for the employee.


The work accident record can then be seen by accessing the entity Work Accidents (Active and Inactive records).
The record can also be seen directly in the Employee´s digital personnel file, under the Tab Health & Safety.

Tips & Tricks

If you were not able to create a Work Accident as describe above, please check the following settings:
  • Employee's Digital Personnel File has been created
  • You are HR Manager and have a valid license assigned
  • The Flow Create Absence on Work Accident - HR Management [Multilingual]-Hubdrive is active (see how to turn on Flows in the implementation)