Managing position overlap between employees


Sometimes, a new employee is hired for a position, but their predecessor still holds that position (e.g. because they should help with the onboarding of their successor before they leave).
In Hubdrive, a position can only be assigned to one employee at the same time, so if the predecessor still holds the position, it can't be assigned to the new employee yet.
The purpose of this tutorial is to explain how HR Managers should proceed in such a case.


Employee B is hired for primary position held by Employee A
HR Manager
Creates temporary position
HR Manager
Assigns temporary position to Employee B
Employee A leaves the primary position
HR Manager
Assigns primary position from Employee A to Employee B

Click Through

  • Start in HR HUB
  • Follow the tutorial to create a position which will be temporary for your new employee (e.g. "Senior Recruiter Onboarding", "Sales Manager Temporary", …)
  • Under Administration, click on Employees
  • Open the file of the new Employee
  • Go to the Tab HR Details
  • Assign the temporary position to the new employee
  • Save & Close
  • Wait until the other employee leaves the primary position
  • When the employee leaves, the position will be available again
  • Under Administration, click on Employees
  • Open the file of the new employee
  • Go to the Tab HR Details
  • Assign the primary position to the new employee
  • Save & Close


  • When the record of the employee is deactivated (after leaving the company), the end date is automatically set to the position that it was occupied. After that, the position is available again to be assigned to another employee.


This tutorial covers the following scenario:
  • Employee A quits their job by 31.12. holding the Position ABC at the moment
  • Company hires a successor (Employee B) from 01.11, so that the terminated employee can onboard the new hire.
  • But the new hire (Employee B) cannot be assigned to Position ABC until 31.12. because until then the position is held by employee A
  • The HR Manager creates a temporary position ABC Temp for the time 01.11. until 31.12.
  • Employee B is assigned the Position ABC Temp
  • Employee A leaves the company on 31.12. and Position ABC frees up
  • The HR Manager assigns Position ABC to Employee B on 01.01.


The positions assigned to an employee can be seen in their Digital Personnel File, under the Tab HR Details.