Review Templates

Dynamics HR Management offers you the possibility to create and manage templates for employee reviews. You can create evaluation templates and target templates and, if desired, link the entire template to a job description.

1. Create Review Template

1. Create Review Template

Go to Review Templates and press +NEW


Enter all desired information and Save the record

  • Name: Enter an apt name
  • Job Profile: You can link the job profile for which this template is valid
  • Template Type: Select, if the review recurrs monthly or yearly
  • Include Skills:Set whether you want to include skills in the conversation. You use the skills of the employee, which are then taken directly from the Digital Personnel File or use the skills that are set out in this template. You can also use both categories and combine them easily or even only take skills with gaps in consideration
  • Valid From: Start of the validity of the template
  • Valid Until: End of the validity of the template


In the sector Review Template Evaluation press +NEW to add an evaluation


Enter all desired information

  • Review Template:This field is already pre-filled and displays the template associated with this review detail
  • Type:Here you have the choice between Evaluation and Target. Select Evaluation, further details to Targets follow further below
  • Name: Enter an apt name
  • Details: Here you could, for example, specify details for the valuation basis
  • Comment: Here you have the opportunity to enter comments
  • Weightage [%]: In this field, you determine how important this detail is compared to others. This weighting is used in the review to calculate the overall rating. If you do not enter a value here, all ratings are weighted equally

Once everything is completed to your satisfaction, set the Status Reason to Valid and Save & Close the record


In the sector Review Template Target press +NEW to add a target


Enter all desired information

  • Review Template:This field is already pre-filled and displays the template associated with this review detail
  • Type:Here you have the choice between Evaluation and Target. Select Target
  • Name: Enter an apt name
  • Details: Here you could, for example, specify details for the valuation basis
  • Comment: Here you have the opportunity to enter comments
  • Skill: Select the related Skill
  • Required: Select the related Skill Grade
  • Training: You can link a required Training
  • Certificate: You can link a required Certificate

Once everything is completed to your satisfaction, set the Status Reason to Valid and Save & Close the record


Check if everything is entered correctly and Save the record. This is then immediately available and can be used for reviews


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