Skills & Education

1. Overview

2. Skill Levels

3. Add Education

1. Overview


Skill Levels

In this sector, you will find a list of all Skill Levels of the employee. You also have the option of adding new skill levels or updating existing ones.

The following graphic shows the relationship between skills, skill grades, and skill levels.


You can also see a graphical representation of all skills and the relationship between the required grade, the actual grade, and the employee's self-rating.

If the employee was already created and enriched in the application phase, the skill levels entered there are automatically transferred to the digital presonnel file. In addition, if a training is particisuccessful, the skill levels are updated or, if they do not exist, created. Similarly, when you switch internally to a job with a new job description, the skills required to expand the list are synchronized.

As soon as a review is planned for this employee, it is possible to include these skill levels and, if necessary, set targets for reaching a higher level.

New skill levels should always be added here. Further details can be found below: 2. Skill Levels



In this section you will find a list of all trainings that this employee has attended or will attend. You can also see at a glance how well the training has been completed, whether a certificate has been awarded and how long it may be valid.

In addition, you can see a graphic representation of how many certificates the employee has obtained over the year.

You can also enter new further training courses here. Further details can be found below: 3. Add Education


Training Participations

In this section, you will find a list of all courses in which this employee has participated or will participate.

It also contains a graphical display of how many courses the employee attended in each year.

The data for this is automatically updated as soon as an employee is registered for a course or ends a course. This area is therefore for information purposes only and may be used for reporting purposes.


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2. Skill Level

Add new skill level

You can only add Skill Levels, if you already created Skills and Skill Grades.

In the top right corner of the sector, click the + Icon


The Quick Create Menu opens. Select the Skill you want to add and the required and actual Skill Grade and confirm by clicking Save


The entry is now also available in the Employee Self-Service View for self-rating by the employee.


Edit exisitng skills

Open one of the skill levels by double-clicking on the corresponding line.

The detail window for this skill level opens. Here you can manually change the required and the actual skill grade.


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3. Add Education

In the top right corner of the sector, click the + Icon


Now fill in all fields that you need and/or are interested in:


  • Name: Enter the name of the educational measure here
  • Employee: This field specifies the relevant employee and should already be filled
  • From - To: Indicates the period of the training
  • Status Reason: Here you can define the status of the task. In Process corresponds to the status of the draft. Valid is self-explanatory. If you choose To be renewed, the training measure must be refreshed. Imported is set automatically for all entries if they were added using CV Parsing or Xing Enrichment


  • Certificate: Here you can select a certificate achieved through the training. All certificates that you have created in your system are available for selection. More information can be found here: Basic setting - Certificates
  • Achieved on: The date on which the certificate was achieved
  • Valid until: If the validity of the certificate is limited, you can specify the end of the validity period


  • Achieved Score: This field indicates how many points were obtained in the test
  • Maximum Score: This score is taken from the selected certificate


  • Costs: Here you can enter any costs that may arise
  • Currency: Choose the currency in which the costs were calculated
  • Paid by: Here you can enter whether the Employee or the Company paid


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