Passport data and tracking expiry dates


Many employers need to store passport information of their employees. On this page, you will learn how to use the advanced find tool to check the expiration date of the passport.


HR Manager
Adds the passport data
HR Manager
Uses the Advanced Find to check the expiration dates


Click Through

Part 1: Create passport data
  • Start in HR HUB
  • Click on Employees
  • Open the file of the employee whose passport data you want to add
  • Navigate to the Personal Data tab
  • Go to the table Passport & Nationality
  • Fill the necessary fields
  • Save & Close
  • Repeat this for all employees hose passport data you want to add to the solution


Part 2: Use Advanced Find to determine which passports will soon expire

  • Start in HR HUB
  • On the ribbon, click on the gear icon (top right)
  • Select Advanced Settings
  • On the new page, select the funnel icon (top right)
  • A new window will open
  • In the dropdown-field Look for: add Employees
  • Then click on Select to add a new field
  • Add the field Date of Expiry (Passport)
  • Click on "on" and select the connector (e.g. "On or After" or "This Year")
  • If necessary, add the desired date
  • Click on Results
  • A list with all passports about to expire will be displayed


  • For the Advanced Find to work, the field Date of expiry (Passport) must be populated in the employee's Digital Personnel File. (Screenshot)
  • This search can be saved for later. To do that, click on Save As, give it a name and a description, and Save.
  • The results can then be exported via Excel.
  • The parameters of the search can be changed at your will. If needed, click on the tab Advanced Find again and adjust the parameters.
  • Supervisors can also use the Advanced Find.
  • The Advanced Find functionality can be disabled for supervisors by installing the optional addon 'Disable Advanced Find'


The result of your advanced find could look like this: