Employee Self-Service: Track Progress on KPIs


With the help of KPIs, you are given quarterly, key figure-driven sub-targets. The value to be achieved is communicated to you as an employee via a target value. You measure the current progress via the current value and can thus achieve over 100% target attainment.


Creates KPIs
Sets the KPI to 'Agreed'
Works on KPI and tracks progress
Monitors progress

Click Through

  • Start in HR HUB Objectives & Key Results
  • The My OKR Progress Dashboard opens
  • The second diagram shows the progress of your active KPIs this quarter
  • Next to it, you find the list of corresponding entries
  • If KPIs have been assigned to you, click on the respective entry
  • Alternatively, you can click on KPI under OKR and the view My active KPIs will open, from which you can also access the individual KPIs
  • You now see the prepared KPI your Supervisor has created
  • When opening it for the first time, the Status Reason of the KPI is still Idea
  • Read the description, Initial Value and Target Value. If everything is clear, you can change the Status Reason to Agreed.
  • From then on, you can work on the KPI. The tracked progress will also be passed on to the Objective above.
  • Your Supervisor can now monitor the tracked progress of your KPI
  • You track the progress by filling the Current Value
  • Here, you enter the key figure for your target. As soon as you have made progress, simply update the Current Value.
  • After that, Save
  • The system will automatically calculate the progress in % based on the Initial Value, Current Value and Target Value.
  • The confidence slider will inform your supervisor how realistic it is that the KPI will be achieved. Confidence is broken down as follows:
    • 100%: Will certainly come or has already been achieved
    • 70%: Challenging but feasible
    • 50%: Very difficult
    • 30%: Unrealistic
    • 0%: Completely impossible
  • After updating the Current Value and the Confidence, Save & Close


  • Always provide your Supervisor with realistic values in terms of confidence, as this will signal in time that you need support with the KPI, for example.


Here, you can see a KPI:

Tips & Tricks

If you can't track the progress of your KPI as described above, please contact your HR department and have them check the following:
  • Hubdrive OKR Employee public /  Hubdrive OKR Employee private & Hubdrive OKR Supervisor security roles have been assigned to the correct employees
  • At least one KPI has been created and assigned to you