How to carry forward remaining leave entitlements


This page shows how the HR Manager can carry forward any remaining leave entitlements to the following year.
All unused leave entitlements of the selected employee(s) are taken into account.

The carry-forward of remaining leave entitlements can only be done when the year is over. Therefore, we recommend to carry forward the leave entitlements from the previous year in January of the new year.


HR Manager
Selects specific departments or employees for Carry Forward process
HR Manager
Carries Forward the leave entitlements from the previous fiscal year
Automated process
Distributes the new entitlements for selected departments or employees
Sees the new entitlements under the table Leave Summaries


  • Update your System to the latest available Rollup Update and ensure that all standard functions of the solution regarding the processing of absences are not reverted or overwritten by customer individual adjustments. Eventually you have to manually merge your individual adjustments with the system standard.
  • Ensure that the System Settings for "Absence Type Settings" for all Absence Types that should be carried forward are set to "Process Carry Forward = Yes". Details on configuring the Absence Type Settings can be found here.
  • Ensure that the Leave Entitlements of the year that you want to carry forward have correct data:
    • For Leave Entitlements that should be carried forward, the date "Transfer Until" has to be in the following (fiscal) year; the system standard is set to 3 months after the start of the (fiscal) year, but may be configured to your needs. A transfer date later than the following year is not supported by the system.
    • Hint: the date "Transfer Until" must be within the following year.
  • For the current year's Overtime Leave Entitlements which are created out of Daily Summaries, the end date must be set to the last day of this (fiscal) year. Otherwise the entitlements will not be consolidated by the system and the Carry Forward is not ensured to run properly.
  • For all Leave Entitlements of the year that should be carried forward, the attribute "Process Remaining" needs to be set:
    • Use the option "Transfer to new period" if the leave entitlement should be carried forward to the date "Transfer until"
    • Use the option "Book out after expiration" if the remaining entitlement should be booked out at the "End date", and not get carried forward
    • Use the option "No action" if the system should not process the entitlement at all. Only choose this option if you are absolutely sure that this will be compliant with the processes of your organization.
    • Only select the option "Custom Transfer", if you have added custom processes to your system that will handle the carry forward individually.

Click Through

  • In HR HUB
  • Select Employees or Departments
  • In the list, mark all for whom you want to carry out the process
  • Click on Flow
  • Select Carry Forward Leave Entitlements
  • Enter the completed year
  • Run Flow
  • Done


  • This process can only be done by the HR Manager.
  • If you carry forward leave entitlements, this will affect all employees of the selected department, as well as the employees of the departments that are hierarchically below the selected department.
  • The leave entitlement can also be transferred for individual employees only. To do this, open the employee's digital personnel file and start the flow "Carry Forward Leave Entitlement on Employee". The procedure is the same.
  • This process can only be done when the new fiscal year starts. For example, the remaining leave from 2023 can be carried forward earliest on 1st of January 2024.


  • Be sure to follow all Prerequisites-Steps in the correct order, otherwise the transfer may not work correctly.


The new amount of entitlements can now be seen under the table Leave Summaries.

Tips & Tricks

In case your carry forward process did not work correctly, find more information on what to consider in this guide:

Necessary configurations for Carry Forward process (PDF)