Design a job ad


In a job description you can already define all the important details of the job, design a job advertisement, link skill levels and employee interview templates.

When designing the job ad, you also have the direct option to create it in multiple languages. The job ad you design here in the main form will be used as the default ad for the recruiting portal. It will be displayed as soon as there is no translation in the language chosen by the user.


HR Manager
Enter information for Job Profile
HR Manager
Design Job Profile Advertisement Template

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Part 1: Job Profile
  • Start in HR HUB
  • Under Recruiting, navigate to Job Profile and select + New
  • Enter all the information you need for the Job Profile:
    • Name: Give your Job Profile a descriptive name.
    • Department: Use this field to specify the department the open position is located in. The supervisor of this department will automatically be informed and included as a decision maker in the selection process.
    • Skill Levels: Select the desired skill level and the required grading. The skills selected here are also used for the applicant's self-assessment, which can be made available in the recruiting portal. To create Skill Levels, you need to first create Skills and Skill Grades in your HR solution.
    • Review Templates: Here you can directly create Review Templates for the job profile.
    • Validation: This feature allows you to validate that you have provided all the required information for the various recruiting channels. When you select a channel for validation, all mandatory fields are highlighted with a red asterisk
  • If you are satisfied with the job ad, set the status reason to "in use"
  • Click here to see a screenshot of the Summary and click here to see a screenshot of the Validation

Part 2: Layout of the Vacancy

  • Start in HR HUB
  • Navigate to Job Profiles under Recruiting
  • Select your previously created Job Profile by double clicking on it
  • Select "Advertisement Template" from the navigation bar
  • Fill in the fields of the Job Profile:
    • Title: Provide the Job Profile with a meaningful title
    • Header: Here you can add a header to the Job Profile
    • Job Definition: This is where you describe the work activity
    • Job Qualifications: In the Job Qualifications, you can describe the work task, including its (de)motivation potential, the future development of the work activity, as well as desirable qualifications and competencies that are necessary for the applicant to successfully perform the job.
    • Job Offer: Add additional information about your offer at this point, these are your benefits for joining the company.
    • Footer: Here you can add a footer to the Job Profile. This could be contact information or how best to submit your application.
    • Job Translations: By clicking + New Job Translation and selecting a language from the dropdown menu, you can have the job ad translated into additional languages.
  • When you are satisfied with the Job Profile Advertisement Template, click Save and close


  • You can use both the HTML editor and the text editor to design the layout
  • Recruiting channels use different sources depending on the provider's specifications:
    • HTML: Recruiting Portal, XING, print version
    • Text: Job board
  • Optionally, you can use Bundesagentur für Arbeit as an additional recruiting channel.


If you go to the tab Print Preview, you can check what your vacancy will look like.