Create a job profile


The Job Profile functionality allows you to define every important detail regarding a job, to design a vacancy, as well as to connect skill levels and review templates.
The main focus of this tutorial is how to create Job Profiles.



HR Manager
Create Job Profile
HR Manager
Fill in details
HR Manager
Create templates for publishing
HR Manager
Finalize Job Profile


  • Make sure you are an HR Manager or Recruiter and have a valid license assigned

Click Through

  • Start in HR HUB
  • Under Recruiting, click on Job Profiles
  • Click +New
  • Fill all required fields in the form
  • We recommend providing as many details as possible in the job profile
  • Once you're done, click Save
  • In the next tutorial you can link your Job Profile to a Vacancy


  • To link skill levels from your system to a Vacancy, you need to link them to the Job Profile first


  • You can find detailed information on how to design a job ad before publishing here.


Here you can see a fully filled out Job Profile: