Set up a Learning Module


Learning Modules can be used to provide more detailed Training for employees. They provide the opportunity for granulated Training Plans that ensure detailed and bespoke Training Plans by breaking the topics down to bitesize training.


HR Manager
Sets up Learning Module
HR Manager
Links Learning Module with Training
Receives their individual Learning Module

Click Through

  • Start in HR HUB
  • Under Training click on Learning Modules
  • Click on + New
  • Enter a Name
  • Select a Learning Module Type
    • When creating a new Learning Module Template, the Type should always be 'Template'
  • Learning Classification specifies whether the training is onsite or online. 
  • Event & Learning Type indicates the category of training
  • Duration tells users how long the Learning Module will take to complete
  • Language indicates the language in which the learning module is offered. 
  • Choose a fitting Status Reason:
    • Enrolled: The first status reason, which means that the Learning Module has just been Rolled Out for the respective employees.
    • Planning: Means that the Learning Module is to be started by the employee.
    • Progress: This status reason is set as soon as your employee has started the Learning Module.
  • Provider gives information about the Learning Module provider. 
  • Trainer - This field should be filled in if there is a trainer in that Learning Module. This is a contact in your system.
  • Learning Content Path gives you the possibility to store an online learning path. This means you can add any external URL that links to services such as SharePoint.
  • Save in order to upload files
  • Trainer Content File is used to store files that the Trainer will use to conduct and deliver the learning module to employees, these files can only be seen by the Trainer.
  • Participant Content File is used to store files that the Participant requires for the learning module
  • The 'Trainings' Grid is now available after saving and should be used to record the Training records that the Learning Module is associated with. Use Add Existing Training to add an already existing Training that the Learning Module is associated with.
  • When you're done, Save & Close


  • When creating a Learning Module, you should always start with the type "Template", as you create a copy in the Rollout Centre which automatically creates the type "Usage". Read more about this here.
  • You can find more information on training providers here.


Here you can see a filled out Learning Module with an associated Training: