Create Objectives


By using Objectives, your Strategic Goals are divided into quarter-based subgoals. At the same time, Objectives can represent an individual hierarchy through Parent- and Child Objectives. The progress for hierarchically higher objectives is automatically calculated by the progress of the objectives below.
Ideally, Objectives for the fiscal year are defined by executive management (CxO) in collaboration with the respective department lead (Supervisor). Both security roles have the rights to create Objectives.


Upper Management
Creates Objectives
Updates Objectives in consultation with C-Level


  • Hubdrive OKR CxO & Hubdrive OKR Supervisor security roles have been assigned to the respective employees
  • At least one Strategic Goal has already been created

Click Through

  • Start in HR HUB Objectives & Key Results
  • Under OKR, click on Strategic Goals
  • Open the strategic goal you want to add an objective in
  • At the bottom of the page you find an area where you can create Objectives
    • This way, the Objectives are directly placed below the fitting Strategic Goal
  • Click on + New Objective
  • Add a Title to the Objective
  • The Primary Goal is already filled
  • Choose which Department is responsible for this Objective
  • Choose an Owner
  • Fill the fields Fiscal Year, Fiscal Period, Start and End
  • Save
  • Below this Objective you can now create Key Results, KPIs and/ or Child Objectives. To do so, just click on + New in the respective area.
  • With Child Objectives you can create a hierarchical structure between your Objectives
  • In the Learning Center you will also find detailed guides on how to create Key Results and KPIs.
  • The Progress bar of an Objective is locked - it will be automatically calculated from the progress of Key Results, KPIs and Child Objectives below
  • To ensure the Objectives are taken into account when calculating the progress of Parent Objectives, their Status Reason has to be set to Agreed.
  • At the end of a quarter, Objectives should be deactivated with the respective Status Reason:
    • Accomplished 100%
    • Accomplished 70% plus
    • Not achieved
    • Canceled (With this status reason, the progress will not be taken into account for progress calculation of Parent Objectives)


  • Objectives should be created per quarter. This means, your Strategic Goals should each have at least 4 Objectives on a quarterly basis, or one Parent Objective, which in turn has multiple Child Objectives. The responsibility for an Objective usually lies with the Supervisor of the respective department.
  • An Objective can reach a maximum progress of 100%.


Here, you can see a filled Objective with a hierarchical structure.