Setup and activation of OKR functionality


The OKR management tool divides breakthrough targets into qualitative Objectives and quantitative Key Results & KPIs.

Strategic goals: Global strategic breakthrough targets for the entire company. Designed for one year.
Objectives: Where do I want to go or what do I want to achieve? Designed for one quarter. Specific tasks to achieve the objective are recorded as a Key Result or KPI.
Key Results: What does the target result look like and how can I measure it?
KPIs: Key figure-driven targets that can be measured with concrete figures.


Upper Management
Defines strategic goals of the entire company
Upper Management
Defines quarterly Objectives for Management / Supervisor Level
Creates Key Results / KPIs for their team
Works continuously towards their defined quarterly goals


  • To use the OKR functionality, you first need an OKR license key. If you don't have one yet, please visit the Customer Portal and contact us.
  • To use the OKR functionality, your Admin user needs an Office 365-License, because automated emails are sent in the module. Please make sure such a license has been assigned to your Admin correctly during the system setup (see here). More information on the emails in OKR can be found here.

Click Through

  • Once you have the OKR license key, you need to import it to your solution
  • To do so, please follow this guide
  • When your license key has been imported, the next step is license assignment:
    • Log in to your HR for Dynamics System with your Admin Account
    • Open the App HR HUB
    • In the lower left corner, switch from Overview to Settings
    • On the left side, click on License Assignment
    • In the top bar, click on +New
    • Fill the fields:
      • License User: Add the name of a user as per their Microsoft Account. You can search for users and then click on their name to fill this field. 
      • License Type: Select OKR (Objectives & Key Results)
      • Assign Roles Automatically: Set this to Yes
      • Preset Typical Email Settings: Set this to Yes
    • Save & Close
  • Repeat those steps for all users who should use the OKR functionality.


  • When you assign an OKR license to a user for the first time, this user will be assigned all 3 OKR security roles. This means that you need to check and adjust the employee's security roles one time to make sure all view and write privileges are set correctly. Therefore, please adjust the OKR-related security roles as a next step.