Introduction to Time & Attendance - What is what?

Tracking Attendance and Tracking Work Time

First, we would like to highlight the difference between Attendance and Work Time. Both of these can be tracked in Hubdrive.

Practically speaking, Attendance means the time your employee spends at work, from the moment they walk into the office (or sign in from Home office) until they stop working at the end of their workday, minus the time they spend on breaks. Attendance is typically tracked by employees stamping "start work" and "end work" on virtual time clocks or time clock terminals.
In contrast to that, Work Time means the time your employee spends working on certain tasks or projects. Work time is tracked by employees booking time on Business Processes in the system, which will be explained in more detail later.
The two overlap, but while Work Time only counts time dedicated to specific projects, Attendance also includes time spent walking around the office, 2-minute-talks to other employees, checking emails on various topics, and other work related actions which are not specifically assigned to a project.

Technically speaking, in your Hubdrive system, Attendance and Work Time are differentiated as follows;
An Attendance is made of at least 2 attendance details:
 - Start work
 - End work
Based on those entries, a record is created and the system can identify how much time the employee really spent working, not considering the breaks (if there are any).

To measure Work Time, the system first needs to know which Projects (in Hubdrive, called Business Processes) your employees should spend time on. Once those Business processes have been created, the employee can connect their working hours to Business Processes, so the Supervisors can visualize how much time was dedicated to each individual process, if there are more than one.

Those entries, created in the attendance, then will be linked to the daily summaries, where is possible to have a complete overview of the work hours during that specific day. Here, Supervisors or HR Managers can approve the work hours of the employee.

Attendances and Attendance Details

Those terms are part of Attendance tracking. In the Attendance overview, you will find a record for each day on which your employee tracked their attendance. If you open one of these records, you will get detailed information about that day. (Screenshot)

The view is divided into 3 sectors:

When the data record is created, the entry date and start time are automatically entered and the data record is assigned to the employee. As soon as the employee ends their work day, the total work time is also transferred to the daily summary (which we will explain in a moment).
With each additional attendance detail entered, the data record is updated, the hours are calculated and the fields are filled. The gross working hours, breaks, and, if defined, mandatory breaks are included in the calculation. All these time spans calculated together finally result in the net-working time. The entered hours are automatically transferred here as soon as the corresponding time sheets have been approved.
Attendance details
This section shows you all the details of the entered attendances. Here you can see in detail when your employee started work, when they took a break, and when they ended work. Here, the supervisor or HR Manager can also manually add forgotten entries or make corrections.

Employees, supervisors and managers have the same view of the attendance, but the actions they can perform are restricted by their security roles. Supervisors and managers can edit attendance details, while employees can only see them.
The attendance is connected to the employee's Daily Summary.

To summarize, the Attendance is the overview of all Attendance Details. Every employee has one Attendance entry for every day they tracked their work time. Within that Attendance entry, the respective Attendance Details are displayed.

Daily summaries

 In the Daily Summaries overview, you can find one record per employee for every day showing all important aspects of time management. (Screenshot)
The view is divided into 2 tables:

Here you can see all information about the data record itself. Which employee it concerns, which day is displayed, and which time sheet is assigned.

Here you get an exact overview of all related work times.

  • The Allocated Hours are taken directly from the respective employee's Employment Terms.
  • The Attended Hours are transferred from the Attendance records and are thus updated with every change or extension of the Attendance Details.
  • The Overtime is calculated here directly from Allocated Hours and Attended Hours.
  • The Working Hours are transferred here from the Time Sheets and get updated automatically in the event of changes.
  • The Approved Hours are transferred here from the Time Sheets after approval (Time Sheets will be explained in a moment). 

It is important to note that employees, supervisors and managers have access to this file.
The working hours are smaller than the attended hours, because working hours only count work time dedicated to specific projects.

Daily Summaries are always collected in a 7 day period, where supervisors, HR Managers and employees have an overview of the week.

Time Sheets

The Time Sheet provides an overview of the complete working time for the week. It is composed of daily summaries from the same time period. (Screenshot)
Inside the Time Sheet view, it is also possible to assign a Business Process to employees, where they can book their times. This is how tracking Work Time is done.

In the top of a Time Sheets view, you can see a process bar with three steps: Draft, Submitted and Approved.
During the week, the Time Sheet process stays in Draft status.
After finishing the week, when all times spent on projects have been booked, the employee changes the status to Submitted.
The supervisor checks the entries and sets the status to Approved.

Below the process, there are three sections:

  • Time Entries: In this section, the actual time recording is carried out. Here, the employee can assign attended hours to projects and processes.
    The recorded work times are then transferred to the supervisor for review and approval. After approval, the employee will of course still have the option of viewing this data. You can find more information on this here: For employees and for supervisors.
  • Weekly summary: Here, as in the Daily Summaries, you get an overview of all aspects of time management.
    The Allocated Hours are taken directly from the employment terms. The Attended Hours are transferred from the attendance data records and are thus updated with each change or extension of your attendance details. The Working Hours are transferred from the Time Sheets. The overtimes are transferred from the daily summaries and added up here.
    To update the values, click on Run Workflow in the menu bar and execute the following workflow: Calculate Daily Summaries - [Multilingual] - Hubdrive
  • Daily summaries: In this section you can see all daily summaries assigned to this time sheet.
    It is important to note that employees, supervisors and HR managers all have access to this file.

Time Summaries

The Time Summaries overview provides a complete report for the whole month. (Screenshot)

Within each Time Summary, the table is divided into two areas:

  • Details: On the left side, you see all the information about the data record itself. Which employee is assigned to it, and which period (month).
  • Hours: On the right side, you see an exact overview of all hours.
    The Allocated Hours are taken directly from the employee's employment terms. The Attended Hours are transferred from the Attendance data records and are thus updated with every change or extension of the Attendance Details. The Approved Hours are transferred from the time sheets after approval. The Working Hours are transferred from the Time Sheets and are updated directly in the event of any changes. The Overtime is calculated here, directly, from allocated hours and attended hours.

It is important to note that employees, supervisors, and HR managers all have access to this file.