Set up an Exam


Exams are designed to provide a proof of knowledge gained during the employee training. This guide describes how HR Managers and users responsible for employee training and development can create an Exam.


HR Manager
Creates an exam
HR Manager
Links exam to training or training plan
Receives their exam

Click Through

  • Start in HR HUB
  • Under Training, click on Exams
  • Click on + New
  • Enter a Name for the Exam
  • Select an Exam Type
    • When creating an Exam Template, the Exam Type should always be 'Template'
  • Event Type indicates what type of Exam it is, whether it is Oral, Written, Online, or a Project Submission.
  • Classification indicates whether the exam is an onsite or online exam
  • Exam Path gives you the option to store an online path, for example a SharePoint page containing the Exam.
  • Exam Content provides the option to store a file for the participant. This field will be available after saving for the first time.
  • Language provides the language in which the Exam is offered.
  • % Needed to pass displays the percentage value for examinees needed to pass the exam.
  • Status reasons:
    • Exam Requested: Your employee wants to perform an Exam. This Status is displayed when a Participant has changed the Status to notify the Training administrator that they are ready to take the Exam.
    • Planning: Exam record has been created, but has not yet been rolled out to employees. 
    • Enrolled: The exam has just been rolled out for the respective employees.
    • Progress: Your employee will take an exam.
  • Provider gives you the information about the Provider of the Exam.
  • Examiner field displays the Examiner information, this could be an employee, or a representative from an external organization
  • Assessor field provides the information of the individual responsible for assessing the employee's performance
    • Provider and Examiner need to be registered as Trainers and Examiners, to achieve this, use this tutorial
  • The Duration  is the total amount of time, in minutes, hours, or days, that the Exam will take to complete.
  • The Description field provides the employee with information regarding the Exam, this may be information that the employee requires in order to carry out the Exam
  • Save
  • The grid Training Events for Exam will now be available, this is used to add Training events or will display Training Events where employees are scheduled to take an Exam.
  • Save & Close

Once an Exam is rolled out to an Employee, the following fields are made available to track employee progress:

  • % Achieved displays the percentage that the employee has achieved in relation to the points or marks required to pass
  • Passed: This switch is set by the examiner once the exam has been passed. If the switch is set to "Yes", then the exam becomes inactive with the status reason "Passed"
  • Passed on is an information when the exam was passed, it is filled in by the examiner.
  • Training Event displays the scheduled Training Event for the employee to complete the Exam


  • Exams should be assigned to the relevant Skill Level before being Rolled Out to employees.
  • When creating an exam, you should always start with the type "Template", as you later create a copy in the Rollout Center which automatically creates the type "Usage". Read more about this here.
  • You can find more information on the Provider here.


Here you can see a filled exam in the template view: