Job Profiles

Job Profiles can be used to create Vacancies at a later date. You can already define all important details about the job, design a Job Advertisement and link skill levels and even Review Templates.

When designing the Job Advertisement, you also have the option of creating it directly in multiple languages.

Note: The Job Advertisement that you design here in the main form is used as the default advertisement for the Recruiting Portal. This is displayed as soon as there is no translation in the language selected by the user.


Go to Job Profiles and press +NEW


Section: Summary


Now enter all the basic information you need for the job description (1) and click on Save in the menu bar.

Particularly noteworthy is the field Department (2). This field is used to determine who the supervisor of the department is. The supervisor will automatically be informed and included as a decision-maker during the selection process.

You can then determine the required skills for the job (3)

The skills selected here are also used for self-rating by the applicant, which can be made available in the recruiting portal

Click on the Ellipsis and + Add New Skill Level to open the quick create menu.

Select the desired skill and skill grade and press Save and Close


More information on abilities and ability classes can be found here: Skills, Skill Grades, Skill Levels

You can directly create a review template for this job profile (4)

Simply click on the Ellipsis and + Add New Review Template.

Finally, you can use the Validate for (5) field to verify that you provided all the required information for the various recruiting channels. If you select a channel for validation, all mandatory fields will be highlighted with a red asterisk


Once you are satisfied with the job description, set the Status reason to In Use and Save the record.


Section: Job Advertisement

In this section, you design the layout of this job profile's advertisement.

The section is divided into logical areas: a title, a header, the job description, the requirement profile, and a footer.

You can use both the HTML Editor (left) and a purely text-based editor.

The recruiting channels use different sources, based on the provider's specifications:


  • Recruiting Portal
  • XING
  • Printable version


  • JOBBÖRSE (job portal of the german labor agency)

In the bottom section, click on Add Job Translation


First select the language from the drop-down menu.

Now design the Job Advertisement and Save & Close the record.


Section: Publishing preview

This section shows a preview, generated from the HTML column of the section Job Advertisement

Here you can also print out the advertisement by clicking on the print icon at the top of the preview.



Section: Job Profile Details

In this section you can enter even more specific details regarding the job.


Optional Section: Bundesagentur für Arbeit

If you want to use this recruiting channel, please refer to these information: Bundesagentur für Arbeit (German Labor Agency) Integration


Finally, Save & Close the job profile.


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